Banana Ranch Game Guide Thread

Feel free to post questions and ask for guidance in this devlog post!

Some frequently asked questions...

1) How do I propose?

To propose, aside from proper love point, you also need to have: 

  • Buy wedding rings at Grizz's woodshop
  • Buy big bed
  • Have finished the priest church quest, until marriage service is opened. To unlock priest church quest, you must first finish the police officers at love hotel quest

2) How to make ingots / coins?

Ingots: You can get it from a book given as reward of town mayor's quest (the blue jello one)

Coins: It's a bit too hard to trigger, so will change it later, but for now, you can get the recipes by reading town board posts on Winter year 1 or Spring year 1 from date 15 to 31

3) How to get stronger?

You can be stronger by finishing Haves quest. After finishing his quest, you'll be able to buy enhancing potion (ATK/DEF/HP/MP). 

(Will add more FAQ later on...)

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(1 edit)

Hello, so I have bought the big bed and finished the priest church quest, but there aren't any wedding rings in Grizz's woodshop. I did see rings in one of Finn's auctions, but when I wanted to bid, the auction just skipped. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Or is it not possible to marry Cotton yet?

where do i find the dark forest been looking for days now, but can't find it. it drives me crazy


max out your charm and you’ll get bond of friendship skill, you’ll use that to befriend sexy monster


how to get the angel status done please help i am so frustrated what do I do ?

You can go to the volcanic area to collect the silver components and the icy forest for others. I hope this helps.

thanks 😊 


I've played Finn's route and got every Scene except 'Kitchen Fun" under marriage events. Anyone know how to trigger that scene?

So far i tried everything I could think of but I'm running out of ideas 


so i realized... was doing finn's route, got married and the babies were born. But the game still let me become lovers w/ Moocha. Once Moocha becomes a lover, it overwrites my "lover status" to Moocha (love hotel action is w/ Moocha now), but Finn and the babies are still at my house. Not only until I propose to Moocha does it completely overwrite the Finn route and then Moocha moves in. More bugs tho, the baby egg is suppose to hatch in 7 days, but that baby already spawned the night after the "ritual". i could interact w/ the baby lolll.

And then I tested something else and reloaded the save before I proposed to Moocha. If I end the 3yrs with initially being married to finn and having finn's babies, BUT remain lovers with Moocha afterwards the cutscenes kind of flipflop. The end of yr award cg is with Moocha, but the final post-ending cg was with Finn and the babies lmao

Where to find tough wood and leatherskin?

(3 edits)

for both Tough wood & Leatherskin go outside to Rocky Mountain and it's one of the "clickable" random drops from the wooden crates, not the ores or monsters.

I don't know if you have the same problem, but I play on android so when I collect the drops from wooden crates, the "notification" of what you collected is shown out out of bounds since the placement is at the edge of my screen. You can check your inventory afterwards, or collect the drops one at a time and make your character run towards the center so can see the character's overhead notif before it fades away lollll

Thank you so much...though I seem to not be able to get any black dye cuz I can't find any of the black flowers or mushrooms

Only source I have found is to befriend Skippy from the Dark Forest. Black leaves is an item he randomly gives. I've received enough items from him for 5 black dye so far. Had him on the ranch for about a month. It is rare, but the only way I've found.

How do you get the final third magical ponpon merch? I have all stats maxed out, married w/ kids, mid-summer year 2 finn's route. That final ponpon quest for the god of love's 3rd blessing is the only active quest i have atm... was wondering if i needed to just playthrough the days if it was event-locked or sumthing.

How did you marry?

(2 edits)

you have to complete the priest's quests. Craft the Angel Statue (i think u get the crafting recipe by buying a book at the General Store) and then another priest quest to donate 20k. Then next time you talk to your "Lover", it gives u the Propose option.

But! before you can unlock the priest's quests, u need to finish the lovel hotel quest with the two detectives. That requires your Charm to be a certain level so you can convince the love hotel owner.

There's other pre-requisites like you need to have bought the "Big Bed" them eventually the "Engagement Ring" from Grizz

you need to complete the quest from the Love hotel owner buy delivering sth to the Merchant snake guy and then do his quest by delivering his goods to the Pink rabbit, and then comeback to the Merchant guy for reward, which is the final MPM. Hope this helps.


How do you grow vegetables that are greater than 3-stars? I thought upgrading Rowan's level would do the trick, but it turns out Rowan needs 3-star vegetables in order to level up. This is blocking me from upgrading a lot of other workers.


How do you get recipes for fancy cloth, milk coffee, wine, and lobster gratin? I'm already halfway through year 2, and it's been a while since I have last been offered any quests from the villagers.


Self-taught solutions:

(1) Fancy cloth = 5-star plain cloth

(2) Lobster gratin can be learned during the Fall of year 2. I just needed a little more patience to figure that out lol

I still haven't been able to figure out how to get recipes for milk coffee and wine, though.

did you find out the solution for milk coffee and wine omg

The option to buy wedding rings from Grizz does not appear for me. Do I need to do a quest to unlock it? I have bought a bigger bed and I have completed the Church quest with the statue so I assume the only thing I'm missing is the rings?


me too

(2 edits) (-1)

T.T I'm so confused! How do we complete the priest's quest with the angel statue? Does it require max knowledge to make it? Can it be found? Also, where is the Magical PonPon figurines, does anybody know? 

Edit: I answered my own questions. I'm in Year 2 on Mocha's route and this is definitely a long game lmaooo. I enjoy it though. The only thing I'm still stuck on is getting the dye for the Rubix cube and the fan. 

Edit 2: All ingredients (the dyes) for the fan and rubix cube comes from the Slime Forest, Autumn Forest(?) and the Snowy Mountain place. I'll go back later and get actual names right but I'm just too excited. I just knocked out two birds with one stone.


So I started playing the beta version and a bug has already appeared... the animal men are no longer giving me egg, milk, and wool... kind of hard to sell items to pay people when i can't even get the stuff.

Have you given them days off/breaks in between work days? Each only has so much stamina. You can manage their positions at the 'Ranch' during weekdays, and check their current stamina by examining them in the 'Employees' menu. Just move them to the 'Resting Area' to raise their stamina, and put them to work in the Factories to exchange their stamina for sellable items. 

(1 edit)

Is there a wiki up yet for this game? I haven't played in a while and I've forgotten a lot of information(currently how to befriend monsters and where I can catch salmon when going to the outside section of the map- I'm assuming the beach location but don't wanna waste a day and end up being wrong)

If theres not, I'm totally down to help make one on like Fandom or something, but I've only had experience with editing pages mostly so if others are willing to help that'd be great. 

(if MeYaoi would be okay with a wiki )

(also sorry if this is a repeat comment)

I bought this game like three years ago for 30.99 and Im still not able to download it or play it. its so frustrating I know its still in development but I want to play the more than then the demo sooooo badly

When I harvest my produce just disappears. Am I harvesting too late? And which jumpy monster for the black leaves/grass? I've been fighting all the monsters there and no one has given any :(  

Where can I get black leaves/grass for black dye?

you need the jumpy monster from the cemetery

Do you know how to upgrade monsters?

Where is the cemetery?

Can you like collect monsters? Is that a thing? How do I do that?

How do I get silk threads?

Are a crafted item that comes from leveling up your crafting level.

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