Quick question. Does the game ends once you win the Seiyuu award or does it continue to after Hikaru's birthday? Also, how do we get the secret characters?
Congrats for the game release, I've been waiting for it for so long !! I played the demo version and can't wait to play it fully !
I have one question : I've seen a limited bundle with a artbook and some other bonuses; is it still possible to purchase it or only the game is available now ? ;w;
If possible I want to support you for more contents like this, but only buying the game would not feel enough to me, so please tell me if there is a possibiity for a limited bundle purchase or other bonuses/goodies !
Hello there, thank you so much for the kind words! :D
Yes, the fanbook (since it's a mix of art and guide book, I'm calling it fanbook nowadays) will be put up to sale, but to make things tidier, it will be moved to a dedicated page (on itch too, but I haven't published the page to public because said book isn't done yet >_<)
I just finished Toru's best route and as I was playing it I noticed his backstory seemed more complex compared to the last two I've played (that or I missed some scenes). I was wondering, (and you don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable with it), if any of these backstories are based of of your own life experiences or those who are around you? Or did you simply make them all up?
I do take inspirations from many sources, though it is portrayed in a more exaggerated form in-game (and with happy conclusion because I like happy endings)
i like happy ending's too *o*......... i think Nitro+ hates them tho, u ever played sweet pool? there's like no happy, only 1 kind of happy out of 6 other bad
Never played it but I've heard of it... which kinda makes me too scared to play it xD (I'm scared of getting too attached to the characters and having them killed off :/)
It's so gory and dark af but still really interesting and I think worth playing sadly tho to get the true good ending you need to get all the other endings
So I got the scene where Kaede drunkenly confessed and then the scene where Haato waits to see him again, got those in May and now I have to wait till December to see him again?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shit how do i play the next 6 game months with out getting bored? ;-; who will come to the festival, aquarium, amusement park with me? ;-; my poor haato
Blue is friendship points - I had a line of them at the top of his love heart, and I freaked out thinking it meant he was losing affection. But we went on to become happy lovers, so you'll probably be fine if it's just at the top. I noticed right after I'd been doing a lot more working at his mansion than taking him on dates or talking to him elsewhere, so that might have something to do with it. :)
i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts i need to get be able get more those but alos seiyuu part are coool i guss to much of fushjoshi i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me
i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts i need to get be able get more those but alos seiyuu part are coool i guss to much of fushjoshi i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me
Quick question. Does character's sexual preference has impact on CGs or generally sex scenes in the future? I'm curious how much does it actually change (I know about chibis, but beyond that).
I've dated three so far, and I was lovers with all of them by the end of June - Shuu took the longest, probably because you can only see him twice a week at the beginning. Hope that helps!
How do you trigger Toru to become lovers? I'm maxed out the heart, and there is just a tiny bit of a star to fill in but I've spent every day with him and I can't figure it out. Do I need to do a particular date place or something?
Edit: Finally happened, I just spent every available moment with him, so I guess you just have to keep at it.
You have to buy pet food from the Mart and then feed the stray you want every day until MC mentions he's grown attached to it. Then you will have the option to adopt one.
Someone explain how I can meet Shuu lol. Nothing over informative but..is he in the elevator? I can't figure the riddle out lmao. Anyway thank you so much for this game, it's so cute lol.
Is it normal for the "Friendbook" social media on the computer to never update after the 19th of January or is it a bug? The only thing that actually updates is the amount of followers, the last actual post is by Haato where he says he met up with a really annoying guy.
Seconded! I played his route first, and find myself wanting the same effects for all the guys. Plus his blank expression reminds me of the uke from Bukiyou no Silent. :D
Thanks so much for this!, you rock The only thing I can think of that would be awesome to add would be what type of clothes eac h guy prefers? I know Shuu likes casual but I have no idea for the other romance options.
And as you pointed out, Shuu likes Casual. (Your starting clothes are classified as Casual, so you only need to buy a hat and watch to have a full Casual outfit!)
I got a perfect audition for Heshire in case you still needed it for the guide. Shocked, neutral, angry, sad, neutral, angry, shocked, neutral, sad, angry.
Sakurai! I'm working on an Extras Menu guide that details how to get the CGs, Scene Replays, Endings, and Chibis. I'll definitely share it once I manage to finish it~
I know this is old, but if you see this and can still change it, could you add tips on roleplaying and explain how the costumes work for every character? thanks.
hmm it depends on the CG like Toru and his cat costume CG for example you need to buy the cat costume and in the CG he's a submissive bottom so you make him a bottom and make sure u click the heart button and then you should unlock the CG, I'm sorry i don't remember enough to make more of a guide, but honestly just look at the CG you want and then do what the CG shows and it should work.
Where do I find out what CG's are in the game though? I haven't seen it in the guide and can't find anything on the internet. With Shuu, for example, I finished his route but am still missing lots of CG's and don't know how what CG I am missing. Plus it was confusing because I thought every single costume creates a roleplaying scene, but it seems like there's only specific costumes for specific characters - Maid for Toru, Doctor for Shuu, Dog for Shiba, and Gakuren for Tocchan, but I'm wondering if there's more costume roleplays than just one in each route. It would be nice if there was a guide for how to get each CG though. Don't you know when the game developers might make one? Or is it already out somewhere? Thank you.
I know when the game was still coming out the devs said they were working on a guide that they could sell but now apparently it doesn't exist? I'm sorry to say I don't have a guide for you but I think if you go back about 10 months in the main pages comments, it was very active back then because the game was just released and I think you can find a lot of help there. There should be people asking how to unlock some CG's and also answer's and possibly screenshots of CG's you might not have.
Hi I know you guys have a guide in working progress but I've made up a quick google docs auditions guide for people who are struggling with some or those who don't have the time to reload like 8 times to get 5 stars on every audition, and I was wondering if I could post the link here?
There are about 4 that aren't 100% and 1 that's like 50% lol (for the life of me I have bad luck with this thing >A> first i forget to read it's trait, then next playthrough I forget to save before, and then in my third playthough I forget to click the take audition button...) but I'll fix those during my next playthrough.
I also want to add some tips and most asked questions+answers since I see often people struggling with the last bit of their relationship stars and asking about it.
Thank you, if you see any mistakes and have any most asked questions you would like me to add just let me know the auditions with * on a scene are known mistakes
Hello! Just finished my second run of the game and got Toru-chi's best ending! Bless you for bestowing upon us the utter cuteness that is the cinnamon roll fanboy. ^w^
I apologize if this is getting annoying, but here are a few notes/questions: [SPOILER WARNING]
(1) Idk if this is just in Toru's route, but after you accept the photobook job, he vanishes from the agency and you could no longer find him on the town map.
(2) During the first time between Toru and Haato, Haato mentions a book they bought ("...isn't this the right timing to practice what's written in that book we both bought?"). Which scene was this from? Is this from the Comiket event? Bc I don't remember buying a book with Toru-chi. There was also a blank, grey-checkered background after their sexy times that appeared.
(3) The day after Toru and Haato's first time together, Toru calls Haato about his mother reconciling with his father and that they're going on a trip for real this time, Haato thinking of the previous day's event as a failed sex attempt despite having no obstacle happening yesterday. (i.e. from my playthrough, nothing remotely bad happened: they went to Toru's house, the house was empty due to his parents' trip and they had sex and cuddled until the morning)
(4) Idk if this is an actual error or just me being thick, but in Toru's route during the "shoulder pillow" scene in the park, is Haato actually awake when Toru's kissing his forehead multiple times or was it just the wrong CG? Because Haato keeps opening his eyes whenever Toru's looking away and after Haato wakes up, there's no implication at all that he was just pretending to be asleep the whole time.
(5) Can you only enter the TV station for free when you're on Hikaru's route?
(6) Where can you get the blindfold for the foreplay mode? I couldn't find it anywhere.
((Also, that "I AM HERE!" thing: please tell me you were referencing a certain Mighty hero, lest I just fangirled for naught. orz))
The first time you go on night dating period with him, there's supposed to be a cock-blocked scene there (where after you take off both his clothes, Toru's mom will return home and become a cockblocker). Was that not the case in your playthrough?
In my case I didn't got such scene on the first time with Toru. I went all the way with him (ith appened sometime in late september)... And when later started second time, he commented about the failed first attempt, which made me wonder if I had missed something.
I think it was version 4, (two days ago)... But maybe I picked Toru to wear the maid outfit since I had bought it previously, and so he started with maid clothes instead of his usual clothes. If that event of the mother triggers with his default clothes, maybe thats why it didn't happened?
Hmmm, it should be that during your first encounter, you don't get any choice to pick costume first. So, you didn't get any scene when you were going on a night date for the first time? (did they go to Toru's room or hotel room?)
After Haato and Toru-chi's first date as a couple, they went to his room for their first time. Toru comments that his parents are away for their anniversary and Haato comments that they should practice what was on the book (which, for the life of me, I don't remember buying; what book are they talking about and when did they buy it?). They went all the way without interruptions. I think it was the following day when Toru calls Haato over and tells him that his parents have resolved their issues and that they can continue without interruptions, despite not actually getting cockblocked in the first place. Also, after their first time, a default background appeared behind Toru's sprite, if that helps.
I re-downloaded the Mac file, but the talk show event for Kaede doesn't show up on 11 December for me and the audition stays on the "Available" tab. ;_;
There are no cheats to fill relationship stars or heart.
To fill up his stars hangout with him on each day of the week, each day Monday-Saturday will unlock a new cut scene which will progress your star meter. If you for example did hangout with him on 5 days but missed let's say Wednesday , because you decided to do something else then the next week you need to go visit him on the day you missed.
Also if you haven't gotten into the TV station then do that.
PS. You can get your 50k back if you do the quest for the guard in the cinema
yea if you visit say only on Monday's (other than shuu as far as i know since so far theres only 2 days you can see him on) then your star meter wont fill up
Hey! I`m having trouble with Kaeda. It feels like nothing happens for too long. Could somebody write his events down(and what to do to make them happen)?
Hi, I've noticed I can't play past day 1/16 in the game demo for Mac. As soon as I get to the end of the converstation with Toshiyuki I get this error. Please help!
Hi, I've got a question about Shiba's route. I'm at the first Sunday since Haato and Shiba became lovers, so it's their first time, and the shower scene I keep getting is with Shiba on the bottom. I can't figure out why he is though, since I play Haato as an entirely submissive bottom and I've let him take initiative during the only foreplay we've done so far, plus at the end of the foreplay mode, Haato was bottom. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give!
P.S. I'm trying to get Haato to bottom in both the end of the foreplay mode and the shower scene.
I have the same question but with the opposite position my first time with Shiba my Haato was the top but in the shower scene Haato was the bottom. I wonder if maybe the CG's were mixed up or if it's an intentional switch
Haha, we literally have entirely opposite problems XD And it's possible that the scenes were mixed up by accident. Btw, how did you get Haato to top? I'm curious since I'm not really sure how to manage that with only one foreplay scene.
When you use the foreplay mode when whoever your romancing says "I'm about to come" (or something similar to that) and a little red heart pops up that sits under the sex toys button click on it then Haato will take the lead and either dominate top by fucking him doggy or power bottom by riding him, you can choose which one :3
You can also get your guy to power bottom or submissive top just depending on how you use those 2 choices, but basically if u click the heart Haato will dominate and if you don't click it and let your guy take the lead they will dominate.
I have a quick question, I'm currently on the lovers route for Hikaru but every time we go to the love hotel and try to have sex we can figure out who will be bottom. I'm curious if there is any tips or requirements I have to do in order to do it? I got a bit used to how easy it was to woo Shuu.
so, whenever i try to load my saved game it says " an exception occurred." I'm not using a mac and I redownloaded it. Thankfully only the first save slot is affected. the others are fine.
Hiya. Small question. Do I need to do anything else besides befriending Hikaru to meet Kei? Cause I did Hikaru's best end and friended him in a new file but have yet to bump into him. Also dont have the fame cheat on.
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Can someone please tell me how I can get the missing CG for Toru? It is the only one that I am missing in his gallery. Thank you in advance! 😊
(Second page of Toru's CG gallery) :
Seconded. Does anyone know what that CG is?
Quick question. Does the game ends once you win the Seiyuu award or does it continue to after Hikaru's birthday? Also, how do we get the secret characters?
They game ends after the Seiyuu award!
you must play toshiyuki route to unlock cheat for secret character
Hello !! >w<
Congrats for the game release, I've been waiting for it for so long !! I played the demo version and can't wait to play it fully !
I have one question : I've seen a limited bundle with a artbook and some other bonuses; is it still possible to purchase it or only the game is available now ? ;w;
If possible I want to support you for more contents like this, but only buying the game would not feel enough to me, so please tell me if there is a possibiity for a limited bundle purchase or other bonuses/goodies !
Thanks before and congrats again ^^
Hello there, thank you so much for the kind words! :D
Yes, the fanbook (since it's a mix of art and guide book, I'm calling it fanbook nowadays) will be put up to sale, but to make things tidier, it will be moved to a dedicated page (on itch too, but I haven't published the page to public because said book isn't done yet >_<)
I don't know where to look for the status of my relationship with Tocchan (Star Level?) How do I look at that?
Go to the fudanshi at park (the guy in striped shirt)
How to get s superman costume for Shuu?
That's not an in-game costume for now.
Oh, I see.
By the way.. how many other things are comming as well? I'm sorry if you've already posted that information somewhere but I just missed it
Nah, it is not a planned thing as well. I'm just saying "for now" because I might change my mind about it later.
I just finished Toru's best route and as I was playing it I noticed his backstory seemed more complex compared to the last two I've played (that or I missed some scenes). I was wondering, (and you don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable with it), if any of these backstories are based of of your own life experiences or those who are around you? Or did you simply make them all up?
I do take inspirations from many sources, though it is portrayed in a more exaggerated form in-game (and with happy conclusion because I like happy endings)
i like happy ending's too *o*......... i think Nitro+ hates them tho, u ever played sweet pool? there's like no happy, only 1 kind of happy out of 6 other bad
Never played it but I've heard of it... which kinda makes me too scared to play it xD (I'm scared of getting too attached to the characters and having them killed off :/)
It's so gory and dark af but still really interesting and I think worth playing sadly tho to get the true good ending you need to get all the other endings
I see, thank you for the clarification! I also like happy endings! :>
So I got the scene where Kaede drunkenly confessed and then the scene where Haato waits to see him again, got those in May and now I have to wait till December to see him again?
‘Friad so my friend :p
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shit how do i play the next 6 game months with out getting bored? ;-; who will come to the festival, aquarium, amusement park with me? ;-; my poor haato
Do like I did and get a guy interested then say you just wanna be friends >:D
loooool that does sound fun
Hello again! Is it normal on Shuu's route for his love status heart to grow blue? If it's not, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Blue is friendship points - I had a line of them at the top of his love heart, and I freaked out thinking it meant he was losing affection. But we went on to become happy lovers, so you'll probably be fine if it's just at the top. I noticed right after I'd been doing a lot more working at his mansion than taking him on dates or talking to him elsewhere, so that might have something to do with it. :)
just go on dates with him on Sundays then it'll turn pink
seruisole wonder how many stragith guy are palying this for some reason ithink stragith guy likeing yaoi is cute iam werid girl
For some reason I can't trigger the fireworks scene in Shuu's route.. I got him to be my lover in May and made sure to read the poster about it.
<spoiler>shuu didn't go to firework festival because he busy.
i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts i need to get be able get more those but alos seiyuu part are coool i guss to much of fushjoshi i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me
i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts i need to get be able get more those but alos seiyuu part are coool i guss to much of fushjoshi i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me
Quick question. Does character's sexual preference has impact on CGs or generally sex scenes in the future? I'm curious how much does it actually change (I know about chibis, but beyond that).
There are some scenes that you'll get different variations of based on a guy's preference. It's different for each guy.
at what month should I be dating someone? I feel really behind.
I've dated three so far, and I was lovers with all of them by the end of June - Shuu took the longest, probably because you can only see him twice a week at the beginning. Hope that helps!
Hello! I was wondering is there a recommended amount of times we should be going to the VA School for extra classes each week?
Honestly, I always just took classes as needed for whatever job I got, then once I met the requirements, went boy-stalking the rest of the time. xD
Thanks for the reply! ^0^
No probs. The game really isn't that hard stat wise. So just enjoy yourself. =)
After MC and Toru's first time the Background is default textures. Pretty sure its supposed to be his room?
Which version is this? It shows his room background in my computer (so many bizarre bugs... 0_0 )
Its the latest Version 5
How do you get the request from the guard at the Cinema? I can't figure it out x__x
I think it gets available at the start of May
Do you have to pay the guard at the TV station first before that happens? Bc I couldn't trigger the cinema guard for his request.
yes u need to bribe him first, but you'll get your money back if you do the cinema guards quest
How do you trigger Toru to become lovers? I'm maxed out the heart, and there is just a tiny bit of a star to fill in but I've spent every day with him and I can't figure it out. Do I need to do a particular date place or something?
Edit: Finally happened, I just spent every available moment with him, so I guess you just have to keep at it.
is mabey just me but i wonder where do i get pets?
i want a children in my lovely family ^^
You have to buy pet food from the Mart and then feed the stray you want every day until MC mentions he's grown attached to it. Then you will have the option to adopt one.
How exactly do you feed them? I tried feeding a dog but they only barked and there weren't any options even though I had food.
I believe you might have to finish the sidequest for the miko at the shrine to feed all the strays first.
Ahh, thank you!
Someone explain how I can meet Shuu lol. Nothing over informative but..is he in the elevator? I can't figure the riddle out lmao. Anyway thank you so much for this game, it's so cute lol.
You meet him if you get the riddle correct. The answer is ponpon
haha thanks, I was putting pon *space* pon and was wondering why I was getting it wrong lol
how do i unlock the super cute long hair guy
You mean the guy with the purple hair? You have to get Tocchan's best ending first to unlock Kei's route, along with Kaede's.
Is it normal for the "Friendbook" social media on the computer to never update after the 19th of January or is it a bug? The only thing that actually updates is the amount of followers, the last actual post is by Haato where he says he met up with a really annoying guy.
I freaking love Shuu's SFX
Seconded! I played his route first, and find myself wanting the same effects for all the guys. Plus his blank expression reminds me of the uke from Bukiyou no Silent. :D
Can someone give me a save file with 100% money cheat?
Oh and also 100% fame
Thank you for the game! Will Fudanshi get a route in the future? He's cute and has the same birthday as i do *_*
Wow.. Here i thought i was the only one who wanted a route for him.
i whant routo for him to
Me too. I thought he was a secret romance route...
Hi I bought a brown shelf (for changing underwear) and it doesn't appear unless you bought the white one?
Oh and also the description for the 5th adult toy, I think it's wrong?
Quick Auditions guide + some tips and most asked questions.
Let me know if any tips or answers to questions should be added
PS. No I can't do a CG guide I want someone to make one for me ;-;
Thanks so much for this!, you rock The only thing I can think of that would be awesome to add would be what type of clothes eac h guy prefers? I know Shuu likes casual but I have no idea for the other romance options.
Toru like Punk.
Tocchan likes Elegant.
Shiba likes Sporty.
Hikaru likes Preppy.
And as you pointed out, Shuu likes Casual. (Your starting clothes are classified as Casual, so you only need to buy a hat and watch to have a full Casual outfit!)
Thank you!
Do you know how to get all CGs and scene replays? I'm still missing a lot...
added clothing preferences for other lost lambs who may not know
I got a perfect audition for Heshire in case you still needed it for the guide. Shocked, neutral, angry, sad, neutral, angry, shocked, neutral, sad, angry.
Sakurai! I'm working on an Extras Menu guide that details how to get the CGs, Scene Replays, Endings, and Chibis. I'll definitely share it once I manage to finish it~
really? *o* wooooow can't wait
Yo! Any updates on this CGs guide?
I can't wait I'm missing some and I'm trying to figure it out
I know this is old, but if you see this and can still change it, could you add tips on roleplaying and explain how the costumes work for every character? thanks.
hmm it depends on the CG like Toru and his cat costume CG for example you need to buy the cat costume and in the CG he's a submissive bottom so you make him a bottom and make sure u click the heart button and then you should unlock the CG, I'm sorry i don't remember enough to make more of a guide, but honestly just look at the CG you want and then do what the CG shows and it should work.
Where do I find out what CG's are in the game though? I haven't seen it in the guide and can't find anything on the internet. With Shuu, for example, I finished his route but am still missing lots of CG's and don't know how what CG I am missing. Plus it was confusing because I thought every single costume creates a roleplaying scene, but it seems like there's only specific costumes for specific characters - Maid for Toru, Doctor for Shuu, Dog for Shiba, and Gakuren for Tocchan, but I'm wondering if there's more costume roleplays than just one in each route. It would be nice if there was a guide for how to get each CG though. Don't you know when the game developers might make one? Or is it already out somewhere? Thank you.
I know when the game was still coming out the devs said they were working on a guide that they could sell but now apparently it doesn't exist? I'm sorry to say I don't have a guide for you but I think if you go back about 10 months in the main pages comments, it was very active back then because the game was just released and I think you can find a lot of help there. There should be people asking how to unlock some CG's and also answer's and possibly screenshots of CG's you might not have.
Around here there should be a lot of advise on unlocking CG's
Hi I know you guys have a guide in working progress but I've made up a quick google docs auditions guide for people who are struggling with some or those who don't have the time to reload like 8 times to get 5 stars on every audition, and I was wondering if I could post the link here?
There are about 4 that aren't 100% and 1 that's like 50% lol (for the life of me I have bad luck with this thing >A> first i forget to read it's trait, then next playthrough I forget to save before, and then in my third playthough I forget to click the take audition button...) but I'll fix those during my next playthrough.
I also want to add some tips and most asked questions+answers since I see often people struggling with the last bit of their relationship stars and asking about it.
Yeah, sure. You can post the link here.
Thank you, if you see any mistakes and have any most asked questions you would like me to add just let me know the auditions with * on a scene are known mistakes
Hello! Just finished my second run of the game and got Toru-chi's best ending! Bless you for bestowing upon us the utter cuteness that is the cinnamon roll fanboy. ^w^
I apologize if this is getting annoying, but here are a few notes/questions: [SPOILER WARNING]
(1) Idk if this is just in Toru's route, but after you accept the photobook job, he vanishes from the agency and you could no longer find him on the town map.
(2) During the first time between Toru and Haato, Haato mentions a book they bought ("...isn't this the right timing to practice what's written in that book we both bought?"). Which scene was this from? Is this from the Comiket event? Bc I don't remember buying a book with Toru-chi. There was also a blank, grey-checkered background after their sexy times that appeared.
(3) The day after Toru and Haato's first time together, Toru calls Haato about his mother reconciling with his father and that they're going on a trip for real this time, Haato thinking of the previous day's event as a failed sex attempt despite having no obstacle happening yesterday. (i.e. from my playthrough, nothing remotely bad happened: they went to Toru's house, the house was empty due to his parents' trip and they had sex and cuddled until the morning)
(4) Idk if this is an actual error or just me being thick, but in Toru's route during the "shoulder pillow" scene in the park, is Haato actually awake when Toru's kissing his forehead multiple times or was it just the wrong CG? Because Haato keeps opening his eyes whenever Toru's looking away and after Haato wakes up, there's no implication at all that he was just pretending to be asleep the whole time.
(5) Can you only enter the TV station for free when you're on Hikaru's route?
(6) Where can you get the blindfold for the foreplay mode? I couldn't find it anywhere.
((Also, that "I AM HERE!" thing: please tell me you were referencing a certain Mighty hero, lest I just fangirled for naught. orz))
Thank you again! ^^
"the utter cuteness that is the cinnamon roll fanboy" omg thats adorable I'll prolly be calling him cinnamon roll from now on lol
The first time you go on night dating period with him, there's supposed to be a cock-blocked scene there (where after you take off both his clothes, Toru's mom will return home and become a cockblocker). Was that not the case in your playthrough?
In my case I didn't got such scene on the first time with Toru. I went all the way with him (ith appened sometime in late september)... And when later started second time, he commented about the failed first attempt, which made me wonder if I had missed something.
Huh that's weird. Which version did you download, if you remember? (the build version name in itch)
I think it was version 4, (two days ago)... But maybe I picked Toru to wear the maid outfit since I had bought it previously, and so he started with maid clothes instead of his usual clothes. If that event of the mother triggers with his default clothes, maybe thats why it didn't happened?
Hmmm, it should be that during your first encounter, you don't get any choice to pick costume first. So, you didn't get any scene when you were going on a night date for the first time? (did they go to Toru's room or hotel room?)
After Haato and Toru-chi's first date as a couple, they went to his room for their first time. Toru comments that his parents are away for their anniversary and Haato comments that they should practice what was on the book (which, for the life of me, I don't remember buying; what book are they talking about and when did they buy it?). They went all the way without interruptions. I think it was the following day when Toru calls Haato over and tells him that his parents have resolved their issues and that they can continue without interruptions, despite not actually getting cockblocked in the first place. Also, after their first time, a default background appeared behind Toru's sprite, if that helps.
Thank you!
I re-downloaded the Mac file, but the talk show event for Kaede doesn't show up on 11 December for me and the audition stays on the "Available" tab. ;_;
Did you take the job? You need to take the job at the agency around 2/3 December, I kinda forget.
Yup, I took the job on 2 December, but the event didn't show up when it hit 11 December.
If it helps, I triggered both Kaede and Kei’s events throughout the game.
With the exception of the recording event...
Hi! What does Toru want for Christmas? Thanks!
I'd recommend to save there and try out the option: game console & don't buy anything for him. There is a pretty cute dialogue variation there imo.
thank you for finish although it's just beta,but i really wish there is a guide so i can collect all cg.
It's in-progress, but since the game is so long, it takes long to make the guide too x_X
Hello. Just wanted to ask: Do you have any cheat in this game? (I know it has but can you give me some? 😁)
I'm having trouble filling up the star bar. I'm already in august but I'm having trouble getting a confession from Hikaru.
There are no cheats to fill relationship stars or heart.
To fill up his stars hangout with him on each day of the week, each day Monday-Saturday will unlock a new cut scene which will progress your star meter. If you for example did hangout with him on 5 days but missed let's say Wednesday , because you decided to do something else then the next week you need to go visit him on the day you missed.
Also if you haven't gotten into the TV station then do that.
PS. You can get your 50k back if you do the quest for the guard in the cinema
so if we only visit him on day lose or what?
yea if you visit say only on Monday's (other than shuu as far as i know since so far theres only 2 days you can see him on) then your star meter wont fill up
Hey! I`m having trouble with Kaeda. It feels like nothing happens for too long. Could somebody write his events down(and what to do to make them happen)?
Need to take part-time-job at the bar to woo him.
Fixed in latest Mac build.
Hi, I've got a question about Shiba's route. I'm at the first Sunday since Haato and Shiba became lovers, so it's their first time, and the shower scene I keep getting is with Shiba on the bottom. I can't figure out why he is though, since I play Haato as an entirely submissive bottom and I've let him take initiative during the only foreplay we've done so far, plus at the end of the foreplay mode, Haato was bottom. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give!
P.S. I'm trying to get Haato to bottom in both the end of the foreplay mode and the shower scene.
I have the same question but with the opposite position my first time with Shiba my Haato was the top but in the shower scene Haato was the bottom. I wonder if maybe the CG's were mixed up or if it's an intentional switch
Haha, we literally have entirely opposite problems XD And it's possible that the scenes were mixed up by accident. Btw, how did you get Haato to top? I'm curious since I'm not really sure how to manage that with only one foreplay scene.
When you use the foreplay mode when whoever your romancing says "I'm about to come" (or something similar to that) and a little red heart pops up that sits under the sex toys button click on it then Haato will take the lead and either dominate top by fucking him doggy or power bottom by riding him, you can choose which one :3
You can also get your guy to power bottom or submissive top just depending on how you use those 2 choices, but basically if u click the heart Haato will dominate and if you don't click it and let your guy take the lead they will dominate.
Ahh, that makes sense, lol. I've never actually clicked the heart so I didn't know it had options, haha. Thanks!
lol even tho every first time with a guy a window pops up explaining the heart xDDD
Oh yeah I probably got the two events mixed up.
Ah, I'll wait a bit then before I continue his route then, luckily I've been saving like a fiend so I have quite a few saves just before that date.
I have a quick question, I'm currently on the lovers route for Hikaru but every time we go to the love hotel and try to have sex we can figure out who will be bottom. I'm curious if there is any tips or requirements I have to do in order to do it? I got a bit used to how easy it was to woo Shuu.
It will be settled after fireworks festival (28 July)
Thank you for telling me. I was getting so confused. 😊
Hopefully with the option to bottom Haato. (I want a top Hikaru bad. xD)
so, whenever i try to load my saved game it says " an exception occurred." I'm not using a mac and I redownloaded it. Thankfully only the first save slot is affected. the others are fine.
What happened if you press ignore?
Hiya. Small question. Do I need to do anything else besides befriending Hikaru to meet Kei? Cause I did Hikaru's best end and friended him in a new file but have yet to bump into him. Also dont have the fame cheat on.
It is Tocchan you need to get the best end at. Then, start game from beginning and apply his cheat.
For Kei? I thought that was for Kaede or am I mixing them up?
Both secret characters are unlocked by applying Tocchan's cheat. For Kei, it is an additional requirement that you are at least friends with Hikaru.