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Hi guys so I have an Android phone that is literally last year brand model. However, the app said it's not compatible with my phone? Is there something wrong or anything? I have like a really old phone that brand model is like 7 years ago however it CAN download seiyuu danshi 😭😭

Seeing that Banana ranch is still in development, is this game finished? :3

Cause i'm curious, but i'd prefer to buy a finished game.

Thanks in advance!

Sorry i am STUPID.

On baradise escape it said that Seiyuu danshi was released in 2018, meaning it's complete eheheheh, excellent.


I can't fill up hikaru's last star. When hikaru confessed to me I didn't choose the option to take responsiblity and instead played dumb. It's not my first time playing Hikaru's route. Few years back I chose to take responsibility. But I heard choosing the other option lets Hikaru do a musical confession to Haato. I wanted to check this other option out but nothing happened. Was the musical confession supposed to be triggered right after the option or did I somehow bypassed the trigger and has now fucked up? It's august now.


al tener relaciones me sale  un cartel sobre si quiero probar un tutorial, pero no me deja hacer nada, si toco la pantalla no sucede nada, el cartel no se sale y no me deja tocar, y tampoco puedo guardar o cargar partidas, solo se queda ahí, aún si reinicio el juego, no se que hacer


I wanna know how to make Haato become the submissive bottom during foreplay since during in my playthrough i can only get two choices, become top dominant or bot dominant...


I'm just curious how to win the seiyu award? cause I've already got two bad endings how to have one good ending? does failed recordings will affect it?


Failed Recordings will affect your chance to win the seiyuu award, once you lost the award you only got the chance of getting bad and good ending... In order to prevent from having a bad ending, you should at least become lovers with the others characters by filling up the heart and stars (you can view this from fudanshi in the PARK)

If you become lovers with them, hang out with them often to fill up another heart... Right before you fill up the last percent of the heart, you will hangout with your lovers and make a choice which will affect the ending.. If you chose the wrong choice and failed to get the award, means you will get a BAD ending... If you, however, the right one but still failed to get the award, you will get the GOOD ending... And last, if you got the right choice and manage to win the reward, that's the time you'll receive the BEST ending. 


I haven't checked on this game in a long while but I really liked it when I played the demo some years ago. Is it still being updated or is it complete? I would rather wait for the game to be finished before buying.

Also since I'm on that topic, I know it's not the right game page, but if I buy banana ranch now, will I have to pay again when the game is finished?

Hello! Can I ask for help hehe... It's my first time doing foreplay in this game with shuu but the screen is stucked on a foreplay tutorial pop up... Please help me🤧

hi have you already fixed it? cause I'm getting the same problem😓

If you're using a mobile phone, just click the black screen during foreplay mode

I'm so glad I got this game, I remember watching walkthroughs of it on Youtube as a teen, now I'm old enough to buy and play for myself ❤️🤩 HIKARU SUPREMACY FOR LIFE!

Can someone tell me if the sex scenes are still chibi art because I've seen a lot of reviews (mostly older ones) saying that is or has it changed since the updates? Thanks!

i have replayed this game many time but could never get cg no 5 does anyone know what it is and how to trigger it

I GOT IT! you need to 100% get the Hiiro Justice right then [Redacted] will happen



Mine doesn't work on the foreplay mode. It says "would you like to see the tutorial for foreplay mode?" And I can't press it I can't even save it😭 what do I do!?

Compared from the one in jast USA store or in the is there any difference or I will be purschasing for the same content?

Can please someone tell who's  prerequisite and where it is, everytime when I get to audition it says "You didn't meet the prerequisite to join the audition"

Has anyone had issues with buying the physical edition? I ordered mine 2 months ago and it hasnt shown up and i havent gotten a response from the developer.

Btw on day 21 May I raised almost all 5 hearts for Shiba and I'm pretty sure he's about to confess in the next scene or the next 2 scenes at most, so probably before the end of the month. I want to ask if I'm on line to get the good ending with him as well or should I unlock the confession scene even earlier than this ? Btw if I max my relationship with Shiba but fail to win the award are we still gonna break up or is our relationship just gonna be less convenient/not as perfect as if I'd have won the award ?

So I missed the audition Fight On from 3 March (can never get that one right for some reason), but other than that I took all the auditions right up and including Koisuru Cupid from 19 May, except for the ones that happened on the same day and didn't give as much fame. Should I replay to get that audition too or just to keep going ? I have a guide so I know on what stats should I focus next and my stats are in line to get the next ones till the summer holiday, but Idk how high the margine error is for winning the award and I don't want to risk by missing an audition (even tho the replay would be gruelling just to get that one audition as well).

The total fame that the game could give you is 800+ but when i played mine, i only need 400+ to get the 'Superstar' fame

how long does it take for the physical edition to ship? Do you get an email or something when it does?

(1 edit)

In my most recent playthrough, I got the best ending with dominant Shiba. 

So that's sub!Tocchan, sub!Shuu, and dom!Shiba. 

I'm about to work on Toru's route next, which I've been dreading forever lmao because feet--- however Hikaru feels like an endgame bf due to his cheat. So it is what it is. This is new territory. 

Does anyone have a complete save file? I hope someone would be willing to share...

I already got the sadistic tocchan cg, but it didn't appear in the cg gallery.. is it a bug or I did something wrong??

is there any ways to changes toru from sub bottom to dominant top?? and how could I make haato use the toys he buys from the guy in the park for himself??

when you sleep with him you would choose that you bottomed for him if you want him to top

how do i turn the safe aka censored mode on i dont wanna see the d

is it only me that can't open the mac demo because it's exe or


Please, add the Meyaoi games on steam

How do I go about dating, I'm already at the end of the year and I can't date anyone, Shiba has a full heart but never progresses in anything

Hello, do you still have issues with this?

If you're at the end of the year then you need to restart, even after you start dating a boy you need to progress the relationship with him afterwards in order to get the good ending with him. You need to spend time with them on the week days as well, sometimes you'll get the reused dialogue of spending time with them but if you persist you're occasionally gonna unlock new scenes with them and you need these scenes in order to get to the confession scene. So keep choosing to spend time with Shiba at the VA studio, mall and restaurant during the week days, you need to unlock at least one new scene with him per week till you finally manage to progress your relationship with him enough to become lovers.

uhm  ı cant see star meter ;-; where is it ?

Is there anyway to fix this error?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 212, in script call

    call _load_reload_game from _call__load_reload_game_1

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 456, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 456, in <module>

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 466, in _execute_python_hide


Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

How do I get this Haato chibi??????

it triggers randomly w bottom haato

Is there a chance that the game will drop in price? I am very interested in this game but the price is very expensive for me....


So...I just finished Toru-chi's route and am starting Shuu's route...and MeYaoi, let me just say...I LOVE THIS GAME! It's so simple yet so addictive and the characters are so charming (Shuu's little flower FX literally has me squealing)! I give you all the chef kisses, bravo! Great game! Once I'm done with this, I'm going through my beta buy of Banana Ranch. Literally so excited :D

How do I check my affection level with a guy?

Nevermind I met the stalker guy

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