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First, I'm really loving the game so far. <3

I've spent enough time in it to go through Tocchan's route once and, even though I got the bad ending, I still loved the story. The one problem I had with it was the red haired guy popped up in my Christmas dinner date like he knew us but I hadn't seen him before. I think this also might have been why, when I got the bad ending, it said Tocchan was going back to his old studio? Must have triggered something but it didn't show in the story.

Also, would it be possible to get a native English speaker to go over all the dialogue again? It's not that there are spelling errors or anything like that, but it doesn't seem very smooth sometimes. Like there are words missing or out of order.

Regardless of if that happens or not, I plan on continuing to play this game for a long time, trying to romance all the guys and maybe even winning that darn award!


Yeah, you get the bad ending if you don't win the award - you need fame 500 to win the award. Even if you do win, to get the best ending you have to visit him a lot during the afternoons to get the plot involving the red-haired guy and to get to the choice that makes the ending best or bittersweet. I think that scene is after six or seven scenes in his office, though it may be dependent on seeing scenes elsewhere. 

Meyaoi mentioned elsewhere in here that they've gotten a proofreader, so probably it'll improve by the time we all play it again for the voices!

even after becoming lovers with one of a character and filling the 2nd heart there's still a lot of scenes with them usually their background and feelings about it and a choice you make that till lead to the best ending or bad ending if you win the award and if you dont win then you will get the good ending and the bad ending i think depending on your choice, except for Toru you need to win for both the bad and best endings 

Does anyone have the complete list of the side quest? I'm stuck on how to tattle on the guy cheating on his girlfriend and the lonely guy at the shrine.

Search for the other girlfriend while he's on a date with the other one. For me, I think it was a Tuesday and he's with Maria (the pink-haired girl who loves to 'kyaa') in the mall, so I tattled to Anna (the grey-haired girl) in the mansion. As for the shrine guy, idk either.

while he's on a date with the girl at the mall go to the mansion to find the white haired one and talk to her

the lonely guy at the shrine you do the quest to feed the cats and dogs but dont take a reward from her then go talk to him and say you'll wish for him to have a boyfriend then go back to the shrine maiden and click that option 

thanks guys!

I can't activate the sidequest that the guard gives you even though I have already payed him. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

P.S. Just finished Shuu's route and I noticed that occasionally I would get stuck on the text boxes during foreplay mode no matter how much I clicked (especially during our first time).

P.S.S. I love this game. It is art. Cute and sexy art.


The cinema guard's sidequest is only enabled starting May, I believe. You have to talk to him (not the TV station guard) to start the quest.

Thank you!!! Time to put this reward to good use...

(1 edit)

Lost 2 days on tocchan's route just to get the bad ending , even though i have  max fame and relation with him... pfffffff

I got that the first time too - won the award, not the guy. 

Don't know if this is what happened to you, but you have to visit him a lot in his office to get the scene where you can make the choice that gets you the best ending. Don't know if scenes you get elsewhere also impact it, but I got the best ending by restoring back a couple of weeks and visiting him every single day everywhere he went.  You know, as you do in healthy relationships. :D 

You have to tell him to do what he wants to do instead of what he thinks is right when you have the choice to comment on whether he should go back to his old job or not. I think you have to have max heart on him as well, but that choice is the main difference between good or bad end, I'm pretty sure each guy as a similar make it or break it choice in their routes as well. If your not sure which choice is better, it's always good to keep a save that puts you back at the choice screen, but you can usually tell by his response to your choice if it was the right option.

(2 edits)

After having played the game for 6 days nonstop, and achieved a couple of good endings (Toru/Shiba), I really like this game, and of course I will continue playing the remaining routes left... But I would like to make a couple of suggestions for an easier/more comfortable experience while playing in the menus of the game... I mean performance tweaks, not implementations, to make the game a bit more easier to handle/more freedom... Aside of what people have already reported, I haven't seen people telling about this and I think I should suggest:

Recommendation 1:

When choosing sentences to say in foreplay mode, in that menu where you put them in the slots, it is a bit tedious to rearrange those activated sentences in the order that you want, because if you want to change a sentence from one slot to another, you have to replace it first with another sentence (not being on any slot), and then put the first one back in the true slot that you want... I think an option to re-arrange sentences, would make it simpler/easier to understand (give more freedom) in the order that you want to have them... It could be done by letting the user drag an drop a sentence on the slot (used or not) that we want. Or instead, add an X button to the left of each picked up sentence to detach it from that slot, making the slot free again, for any sentence to be put in faster/less complicate way...

Recommendation 2 (for lazy ppl like me, lol):

While being in any of the menu screens (save/load etc)...
Trigger: Right-click on mouse, or ESC key on keyboard, anywhere on screen.
Effect: Return to game (close menu screen).
Result: Faster and easier (and lazier) to close the menu without having to go to and click return button manually.

This recommendations are of course, if its not hard to make... If it involves a lot of work, or there are any inconvenients about it, then just ignore it... Can perfectly play without them, but would be easier on navegating on the menus... Either way, thanks in advance for the consideration/response.


I'm not the only one who keeps trying to use ESC and right mouse button *--*

Honetstly, I keep pressing S key cause I'm so used to WASD, and keep getting random screenshots myself. xD

(1 edit)

I wished there was also shortcuts for loading (CTRL+L) and saving (CTR+S) menu screens. Its a bit tiring having to click manually on buttons everytime I don't get +5 or +10 points when increasing VA skills. ._.


Oh yeah. I would definitely love a quick save/load feature.

Quick question: is there a way to get the penis-shaped vibrator from the guy at the shrine? Thanks!

do the quest to feed cats and dogs but dont use the wish then talk to the guy and say you'll wish for him, go back to shrine maiden and wish for him to have a boyfriend 

I’m stuck on a part of the game. I’m trying to do one of the secret character routes. I think the name of the guy I’m trying to romance is Kaede or something. He’s the guy who keeps coming to the pub. I have a few questions regarding his route: 

1. If you agree to having the one night stand with him, will it ruin the route? I get the feeling it does because when I refused the offer his route went on like normal, but I thought I might as well ask anyway.

2. The main question - part way through the route, at the part where he gets very drunk and the bartender tells you you should bring him home and talk to him, regardless of which option I pick he stops showing up. I’ve already gotten past July and he’s still not showing up. Do I just have to be patient and wait for him, or am I doing something wrong? 

3. Kind of an add on to the second question - should I bring Kaede to the love hotel or leave him at the pub?

1) Yeah, if you become his one night stand, you can't progress further in his route.

2) Bring him to love hotel. Next time you meet is at a certain job (there's a new job around December or so?)

Ah, okay. Thank you so much for the help! 

I've been to the pub many times but still haven't met him. Pry tell how what did you do to meet him?

Did you complete tocchan route to active cheat for secret character?You need to work part-time at that bar to meet him.

Pretty much what kiwinyes said. You have to complete Tocchan's route to get the 'unlock secret character routes' cheat. Then you start out by visiting the pub and ordering a drink, then you have to start working there and keep showing up to get all of Kaede's events. I hope this helps!

(4 edits) (+2)

Hello again! I just finished Shuu's route and got his best ending. He's such a cute and quirky guy! (My Quirky Little Pony. /shot) His deadpan face is just hilarious. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't help but wonder: did you take inspiration from Junjou Romantica for Shuu's character? Bc his wealth, his early beginnings with writing, his possessiveness, and his excitability over rather ordinary things like riding trains seem rather similar to Usagi-san--granted a much lighter take on it. Not really complaining, but just curious as to your inspiration. ^w^

As usual (though you might be tired of this already), here are some notes I have on the route: [SPOILER WARNING]

(1) If you get sick before he does, he still says the "you took care of me when I was sick once" line.

(2) The text keeps saying "respond" instead of "response" in Shuu's route; idk if it's the same with the others. Also the grammar by the Christmas scene, I believe, was quite messy.

(3) During the amusement park scene, Haato says "fine, I'll just buy you the M size like always" while buying the Magical Ponpon shirt. By "always", is Haato referring to his own shirt size or is that a typo? Because Shuu's a size XL yet the M-sized shirt somehow fits him well. (Also: "He immediately puts the headband on his face." That line was funny, but I believe that's a typo, too.)

(4) There are two instances that I've seen in his route that, despite being already done with the day, the day repeats itself as if a completely separate day--if that makes sense. The first is after the scene in the bookstore when Shuu finds out that he's actually just "love sick" and the other one is after the planetarium date.

Thank you again! Sorry for the long-winded post. uwu

I totally saw Akihiko in Shuu too XD Which is adorable! I'm glad I'm not the only one getting that vibe, haha. do you get sick? From high stress?

If your stress levels exceed 50, I believe, you'll get sick. Note that this only works once, and if you exceed 50 stress points after this cut scene, MC will go on an insane shopping spree and leave you with only half your money. Also, it's important to to note that you can only call the guys whose number you already have on your phone. For example, even if you're in Shuu's route, if you don't have his phone number, you won't be able to call him to nurse you back to health. ^^


The price of one of the foods from the restaurant cost double(more or less) than it's original price. Also, The mc's name at the half of the game changed into "NONE". Anyone else has this?


I think they fixed the "NONE" name issue in version 4. Download the latest version of the game to see if that fixes the problem. ^^


Yeah, newest build should fix name changing to None, but if your name is already None, it can't revert back to original value.

Does anyone know where to use the photograph the fujoshi in the bookstore gives you? Thanks!

You answered my question, and I can answer yours! 

Once you get into the TV studio and talk to the cute guy outside of it who ignores you at first. He'll send you on a mini quest that you need to use that photo in!

Okay. Thank you! ^^

(1 edit)

How are people able to get to be lovers with someone so quickly. I see comments about people who get it by June, but I'm in October and stuck with a full heart and ~4.8ish stars in the love status screen. (Toru's route if that matters) is there a late event that triggers his lover status or did I miss something? I've been spending time with him and going on dates almost every day for a couple weeks and no scenes are happening... :(

If it matters, I missed the audition for the wrestling character that he seemed interested in (stats too low) . Is that something that was necessary and I'm out of luck now? 


I was worried about that when I went through his route, too. (I managed to get him by as MC's lover by August.) Despite having a full heart since June, I believe, I wasn't able to trigger his cut scenes until August. My advice is to focus on spending time with him during daytime. I think the day of the week matters more than the number of times you hang out with him since your heart is already full (i.e. if you missed hanging out with him on a Monday, try hanging out with him on that day the following week). Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though. Bottom line is: just keep hanging out with him during the day bc all that's missing is his cut scenes.

(Also, the audition for the wrestling anime doesn't really matter at this point: it only contributes to the heart meter. I didn't get that audition when I went through Toru's route too, but it didn't really matter in the end.)

I've noticed that too that you have to visit them on each day of the week every time you unlock a new friendship level sometimes tho a cut scene only triggers a week or 2 later, also i only managed to become lovers with Toru in August as well, had him stuck on full heart and last bit of star since May or June, dunno if Toru's route you only become lovers with him after the holidays because its a bug or it's just because of his personality and background story 

I managed to get his confession before July holidays. Stalked him every single day ever since the small piece refused to fill up and got it around a month later. Wasn't able to confess to him first though

well it was my first playthrough so maybe i didn't realize how it all worked or that i forgot a day to visit him instead of lvling something 

Hi! Quick question! Does anyone know how to trigger the doctor scene with Shiba?? I have the costume in his size and I had him wear it in one of the foreplay scenes but he just made a comment on it without a new scene triggering. I've made him a dominant top too.

There is no doctor scene with Shiba. It is an exclusive scene for Shuu. 

Ohhh, I must have gotten them mixed up then. Are there any costume scenes I need to look out for to trigger for Shiba??

The dog costume that the love hotel bear will offer you one day while ur visiting Shiba the next day visit him again and u should get the scene 

Thanks! I actually just got to the part where I'm offered the dog costume and I just bought it. I haven't been able to trigger the scene for it just yet though, I might not have caught Shiba at the right place yet.

hmmmm I think you get the scene at the VA school or maybe the Agency? Not too sure lol  I forgot

(3 edits) (+1)

Does anyone know where to get the dog costume for Shiba?

*Edit: Or how? I've checked with the bear at the love hotel and I don't see it.

*Edit: Never mind. I just triggered it.


How did you manage to trigger it? Do you just have to spend time with him during the daytime or is there a specific item that needs to be bought?

I triggered it by visiting him at the VA school and there was a lost dog. At the end of that scene, the bear from the love hotel offers you the dog costume, which you can visit the hotel at night to buy. After a few days or so, the even will trigger.

uhmmm i got it one day at a cut scene some events only trigger once in a blue moon, so keep spending time with him and the bear will show up randomly and offer the dog costume for 20k then spend a day with Shiba again and scene will/should be triggered

How i can get tools ?

(1 edit) (+1)

If you mean toys, you unlock the shop by achieving "genius" level in traits and solving the shady guy int he park's puzzle. This will unlock the shop the next time you see him and can buy toys from him. I suggest the guide posted a few comments back. It's not complete, but might be useful to you.

*Edit: heres the link.

I'm not sure if this has been reported already. Apologies if so...
In the BJ scene with Shiba, at the end of it, he calls Shiba as Shuu.
It happens in the story mode and also in the scene replay.

Oh, will fix soon. 

Oh, pls tell me how to have this scene with Shiba :o

(2 edits)

In my case, on foreplay, I used the mouth option on Shiba's penis a few times, and the BJ sequence triggered sooner or later... If it helps Shiba had the top preference.

someone please help, I extracted all the files and keep getting this message when I go to play. What does this mean?

This might be of help to you:

(1 edit) (+1)

I completely suck at this game... Gahhh!I had no idea how hard this game was going to be.. 😭 I keep not having enough for rent I am currently trying to win hikaru's heart atm.. no luck.. for the auditions your starting to need traits but the books are expensive.. Anyone have any tips for me? Please! 🙇‍♀️

When I first start, I try and get all the auditions to build up some money - if you buy a computer for your room you can practice characterization and technique at night for free, which helps. Do the shady job at the mall to get an extra 10,000. I also build up my charm at night so I can get the modelling job (you can get it when your charm is alluring from the guy in the movie theater - you can get 6,000 twice a week, which basically pays your rent.)

I guess my main tip is focus on auditions first and making money, because as you gain fame the jobs pay more and more and then you can take more time to harass your chosen guy and buy him things on dates, which seems essential. I didn't miss any auditions throughout, and money became less and less of a concern.

Oh, and my secondary tip is to romance shuu first, because that gives you the cheat of max money for all the other playthroughs... but comes at the risk of wanting to romance him for all the other playthroughs, because he is *cute*. :D

Hope that helps!

thank youuu so much!! But how do I buy a computer? I didn't see an electrical store at the mall? Also where do I meet shuu? I at the point where the audtions are becoming more high demand on high characteristic and Technique and traits and the only trait I masted is being Shy atm...  

You can buy computer at shopping mall and shuu can unlock when you got messege from landlord that say job in mansion are available after that go to elevator(riddle answer:ponpon).

thank youuu I found it!! You are amazing! And just out or curiosity how do you become better at being a voice actor.. I mean it's kind of hard to know a person's emotions from reading a line.. it's pretty challenging got any tips?! 🙇‍♀️😭

Try taking extra classes from time to time in the VA school during the daytime to help with you VA stat problem or use the computer/sing in the shower/bathtub during Sundays to get higher stat points. Other traits can be found in the bookstore (buy the book with the trait needed for the audition and read it at night) and the restaurant (eat the food with the trait you need).

The computer is in the store right behind the mascot in the mall - when you go in there, pick to buy furniture. Then up on the top right you should see different categories like bedding, electronics, etc.   Cheapest computer is 15,000 and lets you practice characterization or technique and play video games... and watch porn. ;)  

The more expensive beds just raise how much stress you lose when sleeping, so I usually don't bother with those, but when you get more money you can eventually also buy a shower or tub there (that raises singing) and a TV (that raises knowledge).

I played till December 31 but I'm still single AF?? Why?? 

(1 edit)

Try checking your love status with Fudanshi-kun in the park to keep track of your love interest. Keep spending time with/dating your chosen guy especially during daytime to trigger scenes and to boost the love meter.

I'm currently in the middle of April and cannot for the life of me get Toru's star meter to go up to the next level. I spend every waking moment with this boy and am contemplating starting the route over because I'm wasting so much time. 

Question: can you trigger multiple events per week or is it one scene per week?

tbh I was stuck on the last bit from around April or May all the way till after the fireworks festival, dunno if that's a bug or because of his past and personality but when i think about it Toru confessed to me but i don't think \I ever got the choice to confess to him 

Can you confess or have a reverse confession?? I would love for him to confess first, tbh - haha. Do you know how to trigger either?

I couldn't get to confess to him either; I had to wait for him to confess to MC-kun which is why it took quite a long time. For the other two routes I've taken (Tocchan's and Shuu's), I had the option to confess to them rather than wait for them to do so. Idk if it's a bug, if it's just meant to be like that, or if I missed something.

yea I confessed to Shiba, Shuu and tocchan but never got the option for Toru

Can someone please tell me how I can get the missing CG for Toru? It is the only one that I am missing in his gallery. Thank you in advance! 😊

(Second page of Toru's CG gallery)  :


Seconded. Does anyone know what that CG is?

Quick question. Does the game ends once you win  the Seiyuu award or does it  continue to after Hikaru's birthday? Also, how do we get the secret characters?

They game ends after the Seiyuu award!

you must play toshiyuki route to unlock cheat for secret character

Hello !! >w<

Congrats for the game release, I've been waiting for it for so long !! I played the demo version and can't wait to play it fully !

I have one question : I've seen a limited bundle with a artbook and some other bonuses; is it still possible to purchase it or only the game is available now ? ;w;

If possible I want to support you for more contents like this, but only buying the game would not feel enough to me, so please tell me if there is a possibiity for a limited bundle purchase or other bonuses/goodies !

Thanks before and congrats again ^^

Hello there, thank you so much for the kind words! :D

Yes, the fanbook (since it's a mix of art and guide book, I'm calling it fanbook nowadays) will be put up to sale, but to make things tidier, it will be moved to a dedicated page (on itch too, but I haven't published the page to public because said book isn't done yet  >_<)

I don't know where to look for the status of my relationship with Tocchan (Star Level?) How do I look at that?

Go to the fudanshi at park (the guy in striped shirt)

How to get s superman costume for Shuu?

That's not an in-game costume for now.

Oh, I see.

By the way.. how many other things are comming as well? I'm sorry if you've already posted that information somewhere but I just missed it 

Nah, it is not a planned thing as well. I'm just saying "for now" because I might change my mind about it later.

I just finished Toru's best route and as I was playing it I noticed his backstory seemed more complex compared to the last two I've played (that or I missed some scenes). I was wondering, (and you don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable with it), if any of these backstories are based of of your own life experiences or those who are around you? Or did you simply make them all up?

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I do take inspirations from many sources, though it is portrayed in a more exaggerated form in-game (and with happy conclusion because I like happy endings)

i like happy ending's too *o*......... i think Nitro+  hates them tho, u ever played sweet pool?  there's like no happy, only 1 kind of happy out of 6 other bad

Never played it but I've heard of it... which kinda makes me too scared to play it xD (I'm scared of getting too attached to the characters and having them killed off :/)

It's so gory and dark af but still really interesting and I think worth playing sadly tho to get the true good ending you need to get all the other endings

I see, thank you for the clarification! I also like happy endings! :>

So I got the scene where Kaede drunkenly confessed and then the scene where Haato waits to see him again, got those in May and now I have to wait till December to see him again?

‘Friad so my friend :p

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  shit how do i play the next 6 game months with out getting bored?  ;-; who will come to the festival, aquarium, amusement park with me?  ;-; my poor haato

Do like I did and get a guy interested then say you just wanna be friends >:D

(1 edit)

loooool that does sound fun

Hello again! Is it normal on Shuu's route for his love status heart to grow blue? If it's not, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

Blue is friendship points - I had a line of them at the top of his love heart, and I freaked out thinking it meant he was losing affection. But we went on to become happy lovers, so you'll probably be fine if it's just at the top. I noticed right after I'd been doing a lot more working at his mansion than taking him on dates or talking to him elsewhere, so that might have something to do with it. :)

just go on dates with him on Sundays then it'll turn pink


seruisole wonder how many stragith guy are palying this for some reason  ithink stragith guy likeing yaoi is  cute iam werid  girl

For some reason I can't trigger the fireworks scene in Shuu's route.. I got him to be my  lover in May and made sure to read the poster about it. 

<spoiler>shuu didn't go to firework festival because he busy.



 i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard  what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts         i need to get be able  get more those   but alos seiyuu part are  coool     i guss to much of  fushjoshi         i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me 


 i just need keep parctine this game dont it really hard  what lvoe msot about is the jbl parts         i need to get be able  get more those   but alos seiyuu part are  coool     i guss to much of  fushjoshi         i need exrta i have learign dsibityls and other kinda disbtiyyls and stuf so exarta hard for me 


Quick question. Does character's sexual preference has impact on CGs or generally sex scenes in the future? I'm curious how much does it actually change (I know about chibis, but beyond that).

There are some scenes that you'll get different variations of based on a guy's preference. It's different for each guy.


at what month should I be dating someone? I feel really behind.

I've dated three so far, and I was lovers with all of them by the end of June - Shuu took the longest, probably because you can only see him twice a week at the beginning.  Hope that helps! 


Hello! I was wondering is there a recommended amount of times we should be going to the VA School for extra classes each week?

Honestly, I always just took classes as needed for whatever job I got, then once I met the requirements, went boy-stalking the rest of the time. xD

Thanks for the reply!  ^0^

No probs. The game really isn't that hard stat wise. So just enjoy yourself. =) 

After MC and Toru's first time the Background is default textures. Pretty sure its supposed to be his room? 

Which version is this? It shows his room background in my computer (so many bizarre bugs... 0_0 )

Its the latest Version 5

How do you get the request from the guard at the Cinema? I can't figure it out x__x

(1 edit) (+1)

I think it gets available at the start of May

Do you have to pay the guard at the TV station first before that happens? Bc I couldn't trigger the cinema guard for his request.

yes u need to bribe him first, but you'll get your money back if you do the cinema guards quest

(1 edit)

How do you trigger Toru to become lovers? I'm maxed out the heart, and there is just a tiny bit of a star to fill in but I've spent every day with him and I can't figure it out. Do I need to do a particular date place or something?

Edit: Finally happened, I just spent every available moment with him, so I guess you just have to keep at it. 

is mabey just me but i wonder where do i get pets?

i want a children in my lovely family ^^

You have to buy pet food from the Mart and then feed the stray you want every day until MC mentions he's grown attached to it. Then you will have the option to adopt one.

How exactly do you feed them? I tried feeding a dog but they only barked and there weren't any options even though I had food. 

I believe you might have to finish the sidequest for the miko at the shrine to feed all the strays first.

Ahh, thank you!

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