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Hello! My name is CJ.
I'm organizing an bundle for Citrus Con's 1-day gaming event, Gayme Gasm. It's an 18+ yaoi/queer/BL games bundle that will be on sale late March.

We're gathering participants from now until March 9th. I was wondering if you'd be interested in learning more? I'm on Twitter at @its_illuminesce on Twitter or email illuminesce (at) pm (dot) me. Thank you for your time!

Guys, don't use "Bond of friendship" on the monsters on the side. I never got to befriend the monsters cause of this. I spend 3 hours trying to befriend and thought i was either insanely unlucky or bugged.

Hey, i email you guys multiple times. Can you reply back.

Deleted 21 days ago

put the botanist on your farm, he's a cow and if I remember correctly his name is Rowan


I got some questions :)

is the game finished?

Also are you in all routes the dominant partner who can impregnate the other, or are you also in some the submissive one and can you get impregnated?

Amazing work and go on!


No, it's not 

And in all routes, you can switch.

Is All the bachelor routes playable? I didn't see any update about the games

no the game isn't fully complete ^^

Hello, my clothes i bought arent showing up in my wardrobe (spiderman suit and nipple clamps)

Spiderman suit and nipple clamps only appear during the foreplay mini game. You can't wear those during normal gameplay.

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anybody knows how to get this guy?


is this game has a cheat system like seiyuu danshi?

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Yes it does. After you finish a character's route, once you start a new story, it will give you the option to turn on or keep each character's "cheat" off. 

Moocha - 10x normal production rate

Yolkie - 10x normal production rate

Finn - start the game with 100,000g

Cotton - don't know, but assume 10x production rate

None of the other characters are available to romance right now so I couldn't tell you their cheats either

ETA: you can turn on multiple characters cheats at the same time. So playing a game starting with 10x production rate for Moocha, Yolkie, and Cotton (assuming that's Cotton's cheat) and 100,000g from the start is possible all at once. 


thank you for the info!😍

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Is anyone else having problems with the Cotton route? Even though we've had the first time at the love hotel, it won't let me book a room at the love hotel any time after that, and the wedding rings never show up in Grizz's store so I can never propose even though I've seen all of Cotton's "After Lovers" scenes. I've finished Moocha's, Yolkie's, and Finn's routes already so I feel like I know what I'm doing and it's more likely to be a bug rather than user error? Or is it just me?

*I'm playing on Android

I just start playing the game so I don’t know but do you get cheat system when you finished a route?

Can someone help me get monsters? I'm already in the third year and I can't figure out how to get them. qwq (sorry por error del traductor)

You need to obtain "friendship bond" skill first, you get this by maximizing charm. Then you will fight the monster a couple of times (depending on the place difficult level), a dialogue will be triggered and the monster will join the ranch

Can anyone help me find black grass for the dye? I've been everywhere and can't find it for the second toy qwq

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You won't find it exploring, you need to befriend Skippy (you can find him in Spooky Forest) and eventually he will bring it to you in the ranch

Please 🥹 can a kind soul tell me how to do the mission of the police rabbit and fox of the love hotel? I'm still stuck there ... Just in case 🧍 is the mission of dressing up as a woman the rabbit (sorry for the bad English translator)


You need to talk to Hunny (the bartender rabbit) during the daytime, he is at the woodshop or the clothing store. He will tell you that he's into crossdressing and you will ask for his help. The next day you can go back to the love hotel to receive a badge from the police guys and so you will unlock more quests around the town

Is this game complete? as in 1.0 full feature.

No I don't think so. Most of the romanceable characters are currently not romanceable. Only 4 characters currently are and I think there's supposed to be 11 in the finished version of the game. 

I thought so, it's hard to make out on surface level. Plus with the price being kinda high for it still being in beta. I'll probably come back to this in a few years.  

i don't know if this a glitch or not, but when i start my day and work at the ranch i dont get any products from my employers. is there a way to fix this? 

Hi, late answer here!

You may need to put your employees in the rest lounge to regain their energy! Hope this helps!

Hi, thanks for the reply :) I did not notice I could upgrade my barn in order to get the rest lounge... oops haha.


Why are the other characters listed as love interest above, but are not actual playable love interest in the current game version? I bought the game thinking all the characters listed above were available, but that is not the case.....very misleading.

The game is in development so not all are out yet as it's a demo


High key wish that Yokie's route had more interactions with the kid/ growing machanics  I also wish we could hatch the other egg we obtain and it looks more like Ban 


Glitch on fall second you get stuck at the corners of the map if you go to the slime forest- (just a warning ig)

How to get married to the character In the game,i still don't know how to find the statue from the Priest quest


You should be able to craft the statue. You have to have high crafting skill and I believe the recipe is in the book Advanced Crafting that you can buy from the general store.

I want to download this ony my Android but when I want to install it, it wont let me. What should I do?

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Soooo.... currently I'm still playing this game. And from my experience, the best thing is you should try making money in 2 first years before jumping into any romantic interests lol. Here me out lmao.

It's a kinda weird way to approach a romance genre game but yk irl you should have money before trying to pursue anyone lol (in my opinion). But trust me, it works in this game if you want to go for more than 1 char. So, when you're free of financial problems (go outside town in the icy forest or the volcanic area and collect as much stuff as possible and sell it, but don't sell all, you may need some for future quests) (the debt increases every month guys, and even if you marry Finn, he still collects the debt lmao trust me I tried to marry him asap to get rid of the debt but for the last time I played, it didn't work lol), SAVE YR PROGRESS then go for the chars you want lol. It won't create bugs and overwrite scenes of one character to another. 

If you have questions, pls ask, I'll try my best to answer to my knowledge. If anyone can answer, pls help me answer as well ^^! Hope this helps.


Oh and for new people that dont follow the intro quest when you 1st enter the game, when you first enter the Slime forest and you choose to fight the monsters instead of escape, if the monster give you blue jellos, don't sell all of it, keep at least 15 of them to complete quest of Major.

Question for myself: Can players unlock new phrases when they bypass the Genius/Master/Casa/etc phrases by continuing learning?

(2 edits)

By far, unfortunately, is no. I spent the whole Winter doing Volunteer work, drinking Courage coffee, watching HMovie, and also chose to have more courage at the end of Year 2 (to unlock speaking to Howl in the forest), however, my Courage stage was still at Heroic. I can't unlock the Howl scene in the forest (not his love path), so if you guys somehow have the same problems or I did something wrong, please let me know. Tysm!

Question for myself: Can player re-interview a candidate? 

1000% yes. If they dont agree on your offer and leave, don't worry they'll appear again in the interview section, you just need to interview them again. Normally they're ok with 50% of their wish.


Question for myself: How to upgrade star of veggies the ranch grow? (Cabbage, tomato, etc.)


Players can upgrade employees and assign them to field farming, especially those with a Botanist title. 

Ah, thank you for this. I just discovered the game and didn't know what I might do lol.

I do have a question, like is this game as chore-like as Seiyuu Danshi? 

And I'm a bit confused, the official page says the game is still in development but you're talking as if the game is already finished. 

Is it actually still "in development" or not?

I'm sorry but I usually don't buy games unless it's fully complete.

(5 edits)

Hi there, happy to answer! 

1. The game included farming activities and combat so yeah it can be considered as doing chores, but farming chores.  

2. Maybe the term "still" makes you confused lol but I use it because it's been forever since the game launch but it's "still" in dev stage, which makes pp kinda frustrated, including me. So the game is still in beta. It only contains 4 LIs by far (at least 6 more LIs to develop lmao). Sorry if it sounds confusing, but I'm just sharing stuff from my playing experience with this beta version, hope it does not make pp get the wrong ideas about the game being fully developed. So don't get the game now if you're interested in chars that are in 2nd row (except for the pink guy, who is not available now, and the red hair, who is now available lmao I don't get why they put the pink guy in 1st row when he is not available and the one who actually available be put in the 2nd row lol).

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game doesnt show me yolkie's marriage option anymore...i skipped it for one day and even after 2 months i cant trigger it.

I play Finn's route but also cannot trigger the Kitchen scene. Kinda sucks TvT. Hope the dev team will fix these bugs soon. 

Dude i dont want to restart... 💀 Maxing all of that stats took too long

I feel chu bro I came for Moocha but forced to stay to combat lol

How do I get the dyes to make the Rubik's cube and how can I do the second part of the detective mission at the love hotel?


you need to have the Banana Town Helpful Citizen Badge by completing the Intro Quest by Major (I don't remember if this is the right quest to get the badge lol but give it a shot lol) then you will receive the quest by the Twins in the clothing store to get 10 5-star wools, done that then y'll get the dyeing book to get the recipes for dyeing. And the 2nd part I think you need to find the Pink rabbit to talk to in the afternoon timegame to get him do the cosplay for the police rabbit. Hope this helps.

anyone else have a character disappear and then have to force close the game and app just to regain control? 

Is it only me or I can't access cotton in the extras section

In fall, year 3, the poster board in the town square is not loading on one side  and calendar is not updating with new events (concert). One of the date spots won't load as an option (hot springs).

still loosing my character in the adventure scenes, only this time it is stuck like this and i have to force close the game and loose all of my progress.


I've played Finn's route and got every Scene except 'Kitchen Fun" under marriage events. Anyone know how to trigger that scene?

same here I'm trying to trigger it with no luck so far

did you figure it out how to trigger this scene?


so... anyone figure out where to find black grass or black leaves?

Only source I have found is to befriend Skippy from the Dark Forest. That is an item he randomly gives. I've received enough items from him for 5 black dye so far. Had him on the ranch for about a month. It is rare, but the only way I've found.


Tysm for your in4. Bless youuu

How can we restore employee durability?Is there anyone kind-hearted who can explain it to me

You need to assign them to the restroom at the ranch and they will recover a bit each day.

thank you

(2 edits)

how do you get the recipe for red wine and milk coffee? and how do you get rice?

How do you get married? I've bought both the bed and the rings, what else do I have to do in order to trigger it?


The priest gives you a quest to donate to the church that allows for marriage ceremony. From memory completing other requests opens up that one.

How?I'm stuck to find the statue for the quest T_T

When clicking on the question marks to collect items, sometime my character disappears. it takes a long time before he reappears and i can continue the scene.

On Cotton's route it doesn't progress to being able to buy the ring and propose. When spending time together it just keeps saying we are getting closer. Last event was the drunk scene

Is it just me or can no one else get Yolkie's second kid, I get the trial but after that nothing else happens.

I thought you can only have one baby with each character?

It happened to me as well only can see the first one one doesn't look like it has been fixed?

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Is anyone else having severe crashing issues with the Android version? Haven't made it past Year 1 Day 5....

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there a lot of bug and some of it make me can’t even progress in game (I play in cotton route)

1. cotton birthday not show up in calendar

2. cotton don’t join party when go outside

3. A lot of bug on cotton foreplay scene even crash sometime

4. Can’t progress story after Cotton's victory celebration

5. In year 2 game crash on flower dance. Game can’t continue playing after that.

I am playing Banana Ranch Windows Version 2.5 GB

Version 4 is this the most recent.   When doing the monster the menu button is gone.  Also, after clicking on a monster, then running away a new one doesn't spawn.   I was also wondering if there would be a way to delete old saves like you had in Seiyuu Danshi.  

Can someone please tell me where do i get all the receipt i seem to have some space in my book shelf 

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