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How to make rice ball, beer and coffee?

Where do I find Ragnar?

Alguien q me explique como enamoró a alguien no entiendo


objectives are unclear, i spend a lot of time walking around trying to figure out what to do 

How to find new places?

I think there's a bug,because when  Mads is over, the first intimacy scene is over, the game is closing itself


5 flowers quest.. where to find it?


Can you just make a VN out of this? The art is too good for this to be a cancelled project.

Sorry for asking, but how or where can I upgrade this marchand? Of course if it's possible in this stage of game


Do you guys still working on this game? It's been almost a year since last update. We still only have a demo and extended demo(for patreon). 

Some news would be nice!

I think there's a bug, since my energy couldn't get drained. I've been awake for 4days straight now

is there any baradise escape walkthrough?

how am I learn langue in baradise escape aplha?

Is there any alpha version for Android for free ?hehe


When the release of the game?

(1 edit) (+4)

Right now, to eat, you open inventory, click an item, press spacebar to hold it, exit inventory and then press x to eat it.

Why not: press and hold Esc to keep the inventory open, use you mouse to clock and drag the food out of the inventory, press x to put it in your mouth, spam up and down together to chew, press enter to swallow, all while pressing + and - to breathe? Cos I don't think it's unfriendly enough.

But seriously, the controls in this game are atrociously rigid.

(1 edit) (-1)

Btw how to dig ore is it with hammer? And how I suppose to brake the wall in merman cave? If anyone know plz tell me.

Is this game scrapped/abandoned, or is it being updated and released elsewhere? I went to the Patreon, and the last update for this game was last month, but I'm not sure if it had an updated download link or not.


The last Patreon update was March 30th, so I'd say it's still being actively developed.

Ok so I replayed the game for a few times and each time I encountered the same glitches (I am playing  in android)

1. At the end of the night 2 my sleep bar glitched and it's  no longer depleding.

2.once the 1st glitch occurs some skills like crafting, cookie and some others won't gain any experience so can't  level them up.

3.Every time when I try to complete  Mads love quest my skin just black out and can't do anything  other  than restart.

Plz fix it I really like the art stile and story of this game plz fix it .

The 1st love quest from Mads I can't compete it because everytime I try to do it my entire  skin just black out and i have to restart again is there's a solution for this problem?

Deleted 346 days ago

Just make your partner follow you around  and keep giving him gifts and interact with him .He will take 4 gift every day and after a few days Mad will give his 1st love quest. Hope that helps.

Deleted 346 days ago

Yup sorry  you can only give 3 gift every day and it you will gain 1 heart around  4 to 5 days

Deleted 346 days ago

handsome big baras <3


Where to download the full game?

Deleted 204 days ago

how to bathe can you help me :(((

How does it work with the hearts in "Baradise Escape" and how can I defeat this werewolf to free Citali?

hey idk if i found the guy who faint on the beach then what should i do next?

For the love of god how can I beat the werewolf? I downloaded the game on Patreon but can't enter the other island bc I can't save Citali. Do I have to up my crafting skills to 5 so I can make an wooden sword? Bc the strong branch doesn't do anything.

I needed a wooden sword or club, so level 5 is what your crafting needs to reach. Also, I think your battling skill needs to be at level 10, so I'm not sure if you actually need a stronger weapon if you reach level 10. I haven't played around with it much.

I think it's the wooden sword bc my fighting skills is at eleven currently and the wolf won't die. Also could you tell me where the brother of the merchant is? I need them recipes to make things but that one on the beach doesn't have everything 😭 (if he's on the tribe nvm bc I can't go there until I rescue citali). It's very difficult to increase my crafting skills too :/ but thank you so much for answering!

(1 edit)

So I just tested it and I was able to defeat the werewolf with 3 strong sticks. I was at level 14 with crafting still below 5.

(1 edit)

Also go in the ocean up as far as you can go, then go to the right and you'll get to a fishing village. If you're talking about the 3rd brother, he's supposed to be at the tent in the tribe village, but only the tent is there and he is missing. The second brother only really has fish recipes though. To get more recipes you need to spend $10,000 to upgrade the shop.

I just had an issue with the werewolf. I had to attack it and then draw it from the side to the middle of the clearing and then attack it again before any damage would start occurring even with a wooden sword and level 15 attack.

That's why none of my attacks are working omg..thank you so much


Can you add me on discord and send the patreon version? Its abornjohnson

Did Proudleaf help make this? The art reminds me a bit of Coming Out On Top.  If so, hi Proud! You've come a long way since you worked with Obscurasoft! Great work man!

Correction doubleleaf is the name.  Either it was changed or im too old lol!


I still don't know to trigger the event in the haluca Village.....I have completed the puzzle but no event and I can't find my beloved citali...any solutions??

(3 edits)

Edit! I just figured out the fishing pole in case anyone else struggled with it. Spend $10,000 at either of the merchants and you'll be upgraded to Bronze, then both merchants will have new stuff and the merchant in Nautica Isle will have a blueprint for the fishing pole.

I'm playing from the link on Patreon. Lex, Citali and Ragnar are all stuck here, just west of the armory or whatever area. They sometimes leave at night, but not all the time and not all of them. Lex hasn't left at all that I've seen. Also, the merchant tent in this area is there, but there is no merchant. Is there supposed to be? I've only found the merchants in the fishing village and on the main beach. Also also, I haven't been able to figure out how to make a fishing rod (or fish at least) or level up the shop. Please help! Thanks!

*Edit* So I just watched the official YouTube trailer for the game and it looked like the broken boat by where your character wakes up is supposed to give you a fishing pole with a second interaction with the boat, but that did not happen for me and I've been back there several times and there's nothing left to get from the boat. I'm not sure if you really are supposed to get the fishing pole from there or not but if you are, there's a glitch on my playthrough. I'll restart and check to see if it'll be there this time. 

*Edit again* Restarting a new game did not give me a fishing pole. 😭


To tCould you tell me how to make the fishing rod? Or at least how to fish hahaha 

Sorry for my English

I just figured it out. Spend $10,000 at either of the merchants and you'll be upgraded to Bronze, then both merchants will have new stuff and the merchant in Nautica Isle will have a blueprint for the fishing pole.


Hope that you can get to top Lex hehe

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

There's A lot of bugs on the Android version for starters My level always somehow resets itself to 1, only the first Datable character's info is unlocked, any other characters info never pops up despite any type of interaction with them, and the Heart bar thing on the Datable character's never increases no matter what gifts I give them. Hoping for new updates it's a fun game and Devs should consider an auto saving cause I accidentally exited the game after a 3 hour playthrough and I lost all of it, also the Controls need improvement they're too small in my opinion


Does the game support Chinese?

is the game dead or still in development? because i have been waiting for the public release for pc for a lonnnnnggggggg time. please dev, tell us.

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